Tag: photography competition

Contest Winners!

About time, right? I’ve apologized before for taking so long with it and I apologize again. These past two weeks felt like a blur and I’m more than ready to get back into shooting regularly and working on more projects. So anyway, lets get into it. I want to thank everyone who sent in a…

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I loooove photography contests, so I thought I’d have one! A while back a friend of mine wanted to experiment with compositing and asked me to send him some stock images he could use. That got me thinking that it would be so awesome to see how people edit my pictures. So this is how it’s…

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Remember This

Sometimes it’s easy for me to dwell on the bad things that happen, and let good moments pass me by. In an attempt to be more aware of the good things that happen while they’re happening, I keep telling myself “remember this. Remember this. Remember this.” and I take a mental image of everything around…

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Breathe. Slow down.

We always need the reminder. Things get too hectic. I keep wanting to write a new blog post but I haven’t had the time to sit down properly and organize my thoughts. So much has been going on. But I’ll start with the most important thing – my hard drive, the one containing all my…

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