When Faith Crumbles

I’m in Malaysia and it’s absolutely beautiful.
I’ve been trying to spend more time with my family so I’m a little slow with my photography. I shot the new image for the 52 Week Project a day before traveling and I’ve been working on it on and off for a few days. The theme was reflections. And of course, the first thing that popped into my head was mirrors. I wanted to make something a little more.. personal. To me, this image is about inner strength – it’s always there, but we don’t always see it. It takes a lot of time and practice for us to believe in ourselves and our own strength.

When Faith Crumbles
When Faith Crumbles

When I started this, I planned on having a black hazy background. But after going through some of the pictures I took when we got here, I decided to use one I took at the park (I loaded up on stock pictures!). I can’t wait to shoot here. The park I wanna shoot at is a part of the complex we’re staying in, and we’ve been told that we need passes to get in. The security guard felt a little bad for me and my sisters cause we were so excited to go, so he told us that there’s a tiny entrance we can go through just this time. It was awesome.
We also went to China Town and I took lots of pictures! It was so much fun. By the end, a guy walked past us and my sister said  “oh look, your people”. He was wearing a camera vest, had a huge Nikon, and was taking out a lens from his vest. So I turned to look at him and he turned and look at me at the exact same moment. It was funny, we shared this look like we’re both a part of a secret club (I had my camera and lenses with me), then he put his camera up and took pictures of me, without saying a word. So I did the same thing.

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Then our very short conversation went something like:
Him: “where are you from?”
Me: “Dubai, you?” (I’m actually not from Dubai, I’m from Ajman. No one knows what the UAE is though, but they know Dubai).
Him: “Vietnam”
Me: *awkward self* “oh cool”
Him: “nice to meet you!”
Me: “you too!” *toothy smile*
And that was it.

Then there’s this picture – I’m not a street photographer but I was super happy with how it turned out.
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And here’s one from the park

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Then there’s me at the airport with my selfie stick. Don’t judge me – it’s fun.


So this week’s theme is: artificial light.
Why oh why did I put that in there. I don’t really feel comfortable shooting indoors so this is going to be a challenge. Yay for challenges!

I hope you’re all having a good week! Tell me what you’ve been up to 🙂


2014-2017 52 Week Project Thoughts

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